Thursday, 24 September 2009

Facebook and Nielsen to measure impact of ads

New Media Age report here that Facebook has partnered with Nielsen Online to help marketers measure the impact of advertising on the social network.

The Nielsen Brandlift service will use opt-in polls on the Facebook home page to measure consumers’ attitudes and purchasing intent. The service aims to give marketers more information on the effectiveness of display advertising on social networks, which isn’t as easy to measure as other online ad mediums such as search.

The difficulty of measuring the effectiveness of advertising on social networks is holding marketers back from spending with them. The IAB is to release a white paper defining social media ad metrics to encourage greater understanding (nma 4 June 2009).

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I am director of the Media and Persuasive Communication (MPC) network at Bangor University where I also lecture on political-economy of the media. I am currently working on a book provisionally titled Deconstructing Privacy for Peter Lang and leading two empirical projects in connection with privacy perception and the use of new media for smoking cessation. I am author of Creativity and Advertising: Affect, Events and Process (Routledge, 2013); The Mood of Information: A Critique of Behavioural Advertising (Continuum, 2011); and Digital Advertising (Palgrave-MacMillan, 2009). Please contact me at if you are interested in Ph.D supervision or consultancy services.