Thursday, 16 October 2008

Your help please: Why does Phorm concern you?

Bobbie Johnson writing for the Guardian writes asks: 'After all this time, BT still doesn't understand why people are worried about the rollout of Phorm's webwise technology. How can we get the message across to them?' More here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's a trap, BT and Phorm understand fully why no-one wants their spyware system.

Any system that can intercept and copy your private http webmails is a technology that should not be allowed in an ISP.

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I am director of the Media and Persuasive Communication (MPC) network at Bangor University where I also lecture on political-economy of the media. I am currently working on a book provisionally titled Deconstructing Privacy for Peter Lang and leading two empirical projects in connection with privacy perception and the use of new media for smoking cessation. I am author of Creativity and Advertising: Affect, Events and Process (Routledge, 2013); The Mood of Information: A Critique of Behavioural Advertising (Continuum, 2011); and Digital Advertising (Palgrave-MacMillan, 2009). Please contact me at if you are interested in Ph.D supervision or consultancy services.