Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Users Request More Targeted Ads

While the majority of U.S. Web users say they see too many ads, they wouldn’t mind having those ads better targeted to their needs. And 91 percent of those over-exposed to advertising would prefer using a search engine rather than being served ads, according to a new survey conducted by Nielsen//Netratings on behalf of small businesses ad software provider WebVisible. More from ClickZ here.

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I am director of the Media and Persuasive Communication (MPC) network at Bangor University where I also lecture on political-economy of the media. I am currently working on a book provisionally titled Deconstructing Privacy for Peter Lang and leading two empirical projects in connection with privacy perception and the use of new media for smoking cessation. I am author of Creativity and Advertising: Affect, Events and Process (Routledge, 2013); The Mood of Information: A Critique of Behavioural Advertising (Continuum, 2011); and Digital Advertising (Palgrave-MacMillan, 2009). Please contact me at mcstay@bangor.ac.uk if you are interested in Ph.D supervision or consultancy services.